Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mel Gibson, Whoopi Goldberg, The Today Show, and Victim-Blaming

If you have the stomach for it, you can visit Radar Online and listen to Mel Gibson hurling verbal abuse at Oksana Grigorieva, his former partner and mother of his eight-month-old daughter, such as "You look like a f*cking bitch in heat. And if you get raped by a pack of ni**ers it will be your fault. Alright? Because you provoked it." Gibson also tells Grigorieva that she "deserved" to be hit hard enough by him to break teeth, that she needs "a f*cking bat in the side of the head," and other suggestive death threats.

In response to this, Whoopi Goldberg on The View questioned Grigorieva's motives in releasing the taped phone conversations to the media, suggesting that she failed to protect herself and her daughter, and asserting, "If there's a beef, take it to the cops." Melissa McEwan of Shakesivlle points out that Grigorieva received a restraining order before the tapes went public, and even if she hadn't, when a domestic abuser is rich and powerful sometimes the police can be less than perfectly helpful, so calling media attention to the violence can assure quicker action on the victim's behalf. Yet all Goldberg's anger seems directed toward the potential for someone to expose an abuser out of revenge, rather than the fact that he beat the shit out of a woman.

Goldberg, who identifies herself as a friend of Gibson's, was also busy defending him as not racist because he's spent time with her, an African American woman, despite his repeated use of racial slurs ("raped by a pack of ni**ers"). She also is the one who defended Roman Polanski's assault of a minor as not "rape-rape," which reminds me that, when it comes to domestic violence and celebrities, it seems that you cannot be considered guilty (even if convicted, like Polanski, or caught on tape, like Gibson) if you make really good movies and have hung out with a bunch of other famous people.

Even The Today Show opted for the victim-blaming route, with their "Chief Medical Editor" accusing Grigorieva of provoking the taped verbal assault by "using a soft voice" and being passive aggressive. Dr. Nancy Snyderman further claims that Gibson was acting out of an uncontrollable rage, perpetuating the myth that a domestic abuser just can't help themselves.

Constance McMillen Wins $35,000 for Being Banned From Her Prom

If you don't remember Constance McMillen, she's the lesbian high school student in Mississippi who was banned from attending her own senior prom with a female date. After much legal wrangling and a cruel trick in which Constance's classmates staged an alternative prom without her, and as reported recently she has won a victory, one that LGBT students everywhere can cheer.

As a result of a lawsuit brought on her behalf by the American Civil Liberties Union, Constance will be receiving $35,000 plus attorney fees from Itawamba Agricultural High School, where she was so cruelly denied the chance to attend prom with her girlfriend. Even better, and heartening for LGBT youth everywhere, the school will be instituting a brand-new policy that bans discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

Essentially, this is the school saying: We were really, really, wrong. So wrong, we're going to create a policy banning ourselves and everyone else from discriminating in exactly the manner we did. Constance's graduation can sparkle with the knowledge that she made a tangible difference in the school she attended, one that will help many future students to pass through its locker-lined halls. How many of us can say we did that at 18?

But while this sets a positive precedent for schools across the country, the only thing that will truly make sure that future LGBT youth don't have to undergo what Constance did is to have Congress pass the Student Non-Discrimination Act and Safe Schools Act, prohibiting discrimination and bullying in high schools nationwide. Ask your representative to get moving and protect our country's children today.

Florida Denies Voters Chance To Decide Their Drilling Future

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist used to champion offshore drilling. He also used to be a Republican.

Some 5.4 million barrels of oil later, he has changed his tune on both charges. Now, he has shifted with the majority of Floridians, as polls show, and is passionately calling for a state ban on offshore drilling as close as three miles from the state's beautiful beaches. He has faced derisive charges of political flip-flopping in the name of his reelection campaign, but, in this case, he has flopped to the right side of history. His state's coastal economy under siege, who wouldn't choose to rationally reexamine his chants of Drill, Baby, Drill?

The answer, but of course, is a good chunk of the Florida state legislature. Amid a protest rally outside the state capitol yesterday, representatives rapidly dispatched a democratic approach to the issue: a November ballot measure to let voters decide the future of an offshore drilling ban. After a huge push from Gov. Crist, the Republican leadership took a break from their vacations and convened the special legislative session yesterday to take up the proposal. Within hours, dictatorial drilling supporters won the day. According to the Miami Herald, the measure failed at the point members were debating whether to debate whether to allow a referendum vote.

Putting Discrimination To a Vote in Bowling Green, Ohio

Did you think 2010 would slip by without an anti-gay ballot measure? Think again, and direct your eyes toward Bowling Green, Ohio.

This November, voters in the city of nearly 30,000 will head to the polls to decide on whether two historic ordinances will be allowed to become law, protecting LGBT folks from discrimination. Those ordinances, originally passed in August 2009, amended city law to prevent LGBT people from being discriminated against when it comes to employment, housing, education and public accommodations. And they were necessary, because currently federal-level anti-discrimination protections don't go far enough to stop discrimination against LGBT people.

But what was a bold move for equality was interpreted by a number of anti-gay folks to be a step toward indecency. And they did what so many anti-gay groups have done in the past decade: they froze the city council ordinances by gathering signatures to put the policies on a November 2010 ballot. Meaning that Bowling Green, Ohio voters will now decide on whether LGBT people should be thrown out of restaurants because of their sexual orientation, or denied an apartment because of their gender identity.

Sen. David Vitter Thinks Rachel Maddow Is a Man

Well, if you're wondering what kind of looks Sen. David Vitter desires in a mistress, it's not Rachel Maddow. The Louisiana Senator, up for re-election this year for the first time since a 2007 scandal broke where he admitted to cheating on his wife with a prostitution service, made a campaign appearance today on Louisiana talk radio. The subject, for some strange reason, turned toward the rather viral Yearbook photo of Rachel Maddow that has been circulating the Internet for the past week.

Speaking to his two radio hosts, Sen. Vitter suggested that everyone should reveal their high school yearbook photos.

Male host: "That'd be cool. Well you know, with Rachel Maddow they had that picture of her..."

Female host: "Looking like a woman."

Male host: "Yeah it was really bizarre."

Sen. David Vitter: (Cackles) "Must have been a long time ago."

Ah, yes. The old Rachel Maddow graduated from high school and subsequently turned into a dude line. Now that's comedy gold. Almost as funny as listening to a man who serially cheated on his wife make fun of another person. Oh wait ...

Sarah Palin's Discovery Channel Show Shoots in Stealth Mode

More than half a million outraged letters haven't yet convinced Discovery executives to cancel their fall show "Sarah Palin's Alaska," The Learning Channel's homage to the wild wonders of the 49th state brought to you by the woman who would to destroy them. What the letters may have have done, however, is persuaded the film crew to operate in stealth mode -- much like the wolves Palin so enjoys brutally hunting from the air above. (Sign a letter here.)

An Alaska local radio station, KTNA, reported last week that out-of-state film crews descended on Talkeetna, a small town at the edge of Denali National Park, to film the ex-governor and her family at the Alaska Mountaineering School taking lessons on glacier travel and climbing. The show's producer denied reporters an interview and the station writes, "Secrecy surrounded the production as locally hired people work under strict confidentiality agreements." The Queen of Twitter may have let the cat out of the bag though, letting fans know that she planned to climb a "sliver of Denali." In old-school Palin style, however, she rather confused the issue by referring to the "Sweet-tooth" peak, which doesn't exist, when she likely meant the "Sugar-tooth," which does exists but is not a Denali route, according to the station. (Geez, you've 140 characters girl! Get 'em right.)

Harsh Laws Against Homosexuality Fuel HIV in Asia

Many of us have heard about proposed harsh anti-gay legislation in Uganda that would criminalize homosexuality with the death penalty or life imprisonment. As that law gained steam in the legislature last year, not to mention headlines around the world, it helped fuel several stories about how laws criminalizing homosexuality only serve to spread HIV. Indeed, even the Lancet came out with a study that showed how devastating laws that criminalize homosexuality are on the continent of Africa. More than 30 countries criminalize sex between people of the same gender (particularly men who have sex with men), and as a result, HIV/AIDS rates in those countries have ballooned.

A new study shows that this phenomenon isn't constrained to the continent of Africa. It's also panning out in a very similar fashion in the Asia Pacific region, where 19 countries (just slightly less than half of the countries in the Asia Pacific region) criminalize homosexuality. That's led the United Nations Development Programme to issue a statement drawing the connections between criminalization and the rampant spread of HIV.

"These laws often taken on the force of vigilantism, frequently leading to abuse and human rights violations. Correspondingly, HIV prevalence has reached alarming levels among men who have sex with men and transgender populations in many countries of the region," the statement said. It's kind of like a simple math equation: a (harsh laws) + b (LGBT people) = c (public health nightmare). Yes, a simple math equation, but a deadly one.

Confessions of a Formerly Anti-Gay Politician

Perhaps is HBO is looking for a sequel to their Taxicab Confessions series, they might want to turn the camera on California State Senator Roy Ashburn, and tweak the title to say "Confessions of a Formerly Anti-Gay Politician."

Sen. Ashburn's career in the California legislature was in many parts defined by his hardcore opposition to gay rights legislation. Whether it was marriage or Harvey Milk Day, any piece of legislation that came his way dealing with LGBT rights seemed to get a thumbs down.

And then, in March of this year, Sen. Ashburn was pulled over by police in Sacramento on suspicion that he was drunk behind the wheel. He was, with a blood alcohol level of .14%, at that. But that's not entirely what dominated the headlines the next morning. Instead, it was the fact that Sen. Ashburn was leaving a gay bar in Sacramento when he was arrested, and that he had an unidentified male passenger with him.

Immediately, Sen. Ashburn became part of the "Republican Politicians Against Gay Rights Who Eventually Get Caught Doing Very Gay Things." There's former Rep. Mark Foley, former Sen. Larry Craig, and current Rep. Mark Kirk. And that's not to mention all of the right-leaning pastors and religious leaders who've been involved in some salacious male-on-male scandals in the past few years (Ted Haggard, George Alan Rekers, Alan Downing ... the list goes on).

But what might make Sen. Ashburn different from all of these controversial cats is that instead of running away from his scandal, or blaming his scandal on some internal demons, he seems to be opening up to folks by saying that (1) yes, he's is gay, and (2) he was wrong ... really wrong ... to back anti-gay legislation in the past.

This week Sen. Ashburn wrote a column for, where he urged fellow lawmakers in the Republican Party to get behind gay rights. His scandal, he says, woke him up to the reality that unless he starts speaking out as a gay Republican, others in his situation will remain in the closet, and his party won't change one iota on one of the leading civil rights issues of our time.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Student attacked by a teacher for wearing a Mexican soccer jersey

One of my friends is running the World Cup bracket at her office, and anyone who follows soccer ("football" to the rest of the world) won't be surprised that none of her co-workers bet on the United States to take it all. I mean, we only tied with England because their goalie dropped the ball. So the World Cup is a good time for Americans to cheer on a team with a bigger stake in the games, maybe get in touch with their heritage and root for the land of their ancestors. If I were more of a sports fan, that would probably leave me backing Italy. If I did, nobody would bat an eye.

But if I happened to be a 12-year-old American-born girl supporting Mexico, I might have to worry about being attacked by my middle school teacher for being illegally in the country, as Prerna Lal writes on Race in America. Coral Avilez, a seventh-grader in California, decided to wear a Mexican soccer jersey in anticipation of the Mexico-South Africa game that day. Reportedly, her teacher asked her if she supported Mexico, then demanded, "Then what are you doing in my country?" The teacher then attacked, "people like you make me pay higher taxes and make my insurance rate go up." Ahem ... "people like you"? American-born citizens, she means?

The 12-year-old ran out of the classroom in tears, as you would expect a child to do.

The Vice President of the local League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) says that this isn't the first such instance of blatant racism and xenophobia in the classroom, but that students are usually to intimidated to complain. The girl was further harassed after the incident by school officials who interrogated her and barred her mother from taking her home until she had signed something (what is unclear). The next week, when Coral didn't want to go to class, she was told she could read in the principal's office or pick up trash with the janitor. She felt so uncomfortable around the principal, she opted for garbage duty.

Sarah Palin went to Canada for health care

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin -- who has gone to great lengths to hype the supposed dangers of a big government takeover of American health care -- admitted over the weekend that she used to get her treatment in Canada's single-payer system.

"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?"

The irony, one guesses, is that Palin now views Canada's health care system as revolting: with its government-run administration and 'death-panel'-like rationing. Clearly, however, she and her family once found it more alluring than, at the very least, the coverage available in rural Alaska. Up to the age of six, Palin lived in a remote town near the closest Canadian city, Whitehorse.

Officials at several hospitals in that area declined to give out information on patient visits.

Glenn Beck Is Taking Christian Souls to Hell

Glenn Beck presents a conundrum for the Christian right. They appreciate his bigotry, but are in turn bigoted against his Mormon faith. Sometimes the politics of hate is complicated.

“Internet evangelist” (no, I don’t know what that means) Bill Keller is no longer willing to compromise his Christian principles though. Keller, who warned 2008 primary voters that a vote for the Mormon Mitt Romney was a vote for Satan, has launched a campaign to warn Christians that Glenn Beck is taking their “ignorant souls to hell.” (via Think Progress.)

Keller states, “Beck likes to call out people for their lies and deception, yet he portrays himself daily as a Christian. The fact is, the beliefs of the satanic Mormon cult are totally inconsistent with Biblical Christianity. He uses the words “god” and “jesus,” yet the god and jesus of the Mormon cult are NOT the God and Jesus of the Bible!”

Keller continues, “The ‘god’ of the Mormon cult used to be a human who rose to god-like status, just like Beck and all Mormons believe they will too after their death. The ‘jesus’ of the Mormon cult is the natural offspring of their ‘god’ Elohim who had sex with Mary, meaning their jesus is a created being and NOT a deity as the Bible teaches, and is the brother of Lucifer.”

Keller concludes, “I could care less what Beck chooses to believe, but I do care that he lies to people by stating he is a Christian when a person who believes in the lies of the Mormon cult is no more a Christian than a Muslim is. Most appalling are prominent Christians who have sold out the faith to associate with Beck, more worried about what financial gain they will get from that association than helping him lead ignorant souls to hell for following his cult’s beliefs.”

This is completely awful, of course. The Church of LDS is not Satanic and it’s not a cult. It’s certainly weird and fucked up, but no more, no less than other Christian denominations that have a conservative bent.

In fact, right-wing Mormons are a perfect ideological match for right-wing Evangelicals, so it’s pretty funny that totally unwarranted bias and mistrust has maintained a rift between the two. And, it’s surprising that this hasn’t been a bigger problem for Beck in the past. Will his Christian listeners be turned off if Keller’s attention-grabbing ploy takes off?

In other Christian Right vs. Mormons News: The Christian right is demonstrating its relevance to young people by attacking the insanely popular young-adult Twilight series, even though the books’ Mormon author has pumped them full of abstinence-only themes that should make anti-sex Christian crusaders pretty happy. The reason? Vampires make bad role models. (h/t Steve Benen)

Roberta Combs, president of the Christian Coalition of America, which called for a ban on the Potter series, says she’s considering a similar campaign against Twilight because even though it’s pro-abstinence, it’s also pro-vampires.

She says vampires are definitely not good role models, and she blames Hollywood.

“We can let our voices be heard, and anytime you do that you have an effect one way or another,” Combs says. “These Twilight books are very disturbing books for family values. Teen marriage is not the standard, but the part that is more troubling is the vampire. It’s just not normal for young people to idolize a vampire.”

Thursday, June 17, 2010

House Majority leader Kevin Garn admits to being nude in a hot tub with a 15 year old girl when he was 28 and married.

Ironically, Mr. Garn was responsible for ethics legislation in Utah. He had also been a Mormon Bishop.

Garn should have been added to the sex offenders list, and he certainly should not have served as a Mormon Bishop a few years after this crime.

Garn was also arrested for a DUI while serving as a Bishop. He used his influence to also keep this quiet. He continued as a Bishop.

Maher said Garn was her LDS Sunday School teacher when she was in the fourth grade, several years before the hot tub incident.

This should trouble Mormons about the inspiration of callings.
The classic out for Mormons has been, "The church is perfect - the people are not."
That out does not seem to work too well here. Garn became a Bishop by the 'inspiration" of senior Mormon officials - Mormon General Authorities.
Mormons should not trust their lives to untrained and uninspired Mormon leaders. Too many tragedies have resulted.

Garn and his wife also paid off the young women with $150,000 for her silence and this was done in a Mormon Bishop's office.
The Mormon church officially helped to hush the activities of this pedophile via a local Bishop. This is just another example of how the Mormon church is more concerned about its image than protecting children and vulnerable teenagers.

The Utah Legislature gave Garn a standing ovation after his disclosure.

News reference: kevin-garn-confession-uta_n_496323.html

Mormons & Boy Scout Pedophilia

This is from the Idaho Falls Post Register:….Paid professionals at the Grand Teton Council hired a child molester to work at Camp Little Lemhi even though they, the national Boy Scout office and troop sponsors in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were warned about Brad Stowell.

Court records, which the Boy Scouts’ lawyers fought to hide from public view, show the warnings might have been sufficient to disqualify Stowell from Scouting six years before he was finally arrested.

But Stowell might never have had the chance to prey on Scout campers if his mother, who knew he had a problem, had steered him away from youth programs.

Stowell’s mother, the family’s LDS bishop and at least one Blackfoot police officer knew as early as 1988 that he had molested a child…..

Multiple Warnings: 1998-2005

1988 Brad Stowell, 16, admits to Blackfoot police, his mother and his LDS bishop that he molested a 6-year-old neighbor. He is sent to LDS Social Services counseling.

1988 Stowell is hired to teach first aid at Camp Little Lemhi. He has testified he started preying on campers that summer.

1989 Brad Stowell is hired as a waterfront instructor at Camp Little Lemhi.

1990 Brad Stowell is rehired at Camp Little Lemhi.

1991 Camp director Richard Snow hires Stowell as assistant aquatics director.

1991 Richard J. Scarborough reports to the national Boy Scouts of America that a child molester has been hired to work at Camp Little Lemhi.

1992/93 The LDS church sends Stowell on a mission to Alaska, where, he now admits, he molested at least one child.

1993 Judith Stowell, mother of Brad Stowell, joins Grand Teton Council Executive Board after 14 years as a Cub Scout leader.

January 1994 Richard Scarborough writes to the LDS church president, complaining that local church leaders are ignoring his warning about the pedophile in the LDS Scout troop.

January 1995 Carol Scarborough tells Camp Little Lemhi program director Jim Summers that Brad Stowell molested a neighbor boy.

1995 Camp Little Lemhi director Richard Snow hires Stowell as aquatics director.

1995 Office of Elder Vaughan Featherstone of the LDS church First Quorum of the Seventy forwards a tip about Stowell to the Boy Scouts of America’s official church liaison, C. Hart Bullock. Bullock orders the Grand Teton Council to check it out.

June 1995 Grand Teton Council executive Brad Allen calls Stowell’s bishop, who confirms Stowell was sent to counseling after the 1988 incident. When asked, Stowell tells Allen there was an “incident” but says he is over it.

1996 Camp Little Lemhi director Robert Fawcett promotes Stowell to camp program director.

June 1996 Fawcett admonishes Stowell to stop breaking Scout rules against being alone with campers and touching them too much.

1997 Little Lemhi director Elias Lopez rehires Stowell as program director.

June 1997 Lopez admonishes Stowell to stop breaking Scout rules against being alone with campers.

July 11, 1997 Stowell is arrested at Camp Little Lemhi for child sex abuse.

Dec. 3, 1997 Stowell is sentenced to five months in jail, plus 15 years probation.

January 2001 A court refuses victim’s request to open files in the negligence case against the Boy Scouts.

2001, 2004 Negligence cases are settled.

2005 Court records in one of the negligence cases are opened.

Sources: Sworn testimony and exhibits from Bonneville County civil case CV-99-3416

Sex Scandals in Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City has always loved a good sex scandal. Here are seven stunners that run the gamut from elected officials to pro athletes to two Utah teachers allegedly tag-teaming the same kid.

7. Congressman Caught Up in Sex Sting

On June 13, 1976, U.S. Rep. Allan Howe, D-Utah, was arrested in Salt Lake City on charges of soliciting two policewomen posing as prostitutes, according to See Congressional Sex Scandals in History

6. Senator shot by mistress, oh my!

In December 1906, former U.S. Sen. Arthur Brown, R-Utah, was shot and killed by an angry mistress. See The Shooting of Arthur Brown, Ex-Senator From Utah

5. The Brysons' Sex Tape Scandal

Round about 2004, state Rep. Katherine Bryson, R-Orem, accused her husband, Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson, of illegally spying on her after he reportedly captured video footage of his wife with another man. Read the sordid details in Kay Bryson won't be charged.

4. Andrei Kirilenko's Booty-Call Benefits

In 2006, Utah Jazz star Andrei Kirilenko's wife publicly stated he had her permission to bang one random fan per year. Masha's remarkably generous gesture earned her acclaim as Best Pro-Athlete Spouse in City Weekly's Best of Utah that year.

3. Two Utah Teachers Accused of Sex with Same Student

Near the end of 2009, The Salt Lake Tribune reported that two Bountiful Junior High School teachers had been accused of sexual relations with the same 13-year-old boy. Both teachers were women. Simply stunning. See the Trib's student sex scandal story.

2. Elizabeth Smart's Abduction and Abuse

I was somewhat reluctant to include the Elizabeth Smart story in this list of sex scandals. It's not really right that a girl of her age should be so widely known for being sexually abused. But I decided to put it here as a chance to raise the question: Is the media overly obsessed with sexy headlines.

Here is an excellent article that examines that topic from Slate writer Jack Shafer:
Smart Bombed: How much coverage of Elizabeth Smart's kidnapping is too much?

1. LDS Women: 58% Admit Premarital Sex

This scandalous headline in the Aug. 9, 1991, edition of The Salt Lake Tribune must have been a blast of scalding hot water to the face of every man, woman and child in Utah. Not for the number alone. But for the simple fact that if 58 percent of Mormon women admitted to premarital sex, the actual percentage has to be significantly higher.

Mormonism is now officially a faith of convicted liars.

The good news, first: the Mormon church has been found guilty on 13 counts of lying about their involvement with California's proposition 8. Mormonism is now officially a faith of convicted liars.

Now the bad news, or more accurately, the pathetic news. The church lied about spending only $2078 on campaigning in California, when they'd actually raised over $30 million, but admitted to spending $190,000, and certainly spent much more than that to influence the election. The penalty for this ethics violation was…


The lesson learned, I'm sure, is that when evil religious masterminds are plotting to commit serious ethical violations, they should plan ahead and budget 0.02% of their investment to paying off slap-of-the-wrist penalties.

Republican Senator Paul Koering dating porn star and former escort Brandon Wilde

If California State Sen. Roy Ashburn can hit the gay bars in Sacramento, can't Minnesota State Sen. Paul Koering take gay porn stars out on dates?

Koering is the openly gay Republican who once wanted to be governor — and while he voted against state constitutional bans on marriage and civil unions for gays, it's not like he was really pushing to legalize it either; in 2009, he voted against legalizing gay marriage.

But there he was trying to woo porn star and former escort Brandon Wilde over dinner at the restaurant Iven's On The Bay in Brainerd — for which the senator makes no apologies, he tells The Sword (NSFW).

Wilde first tweeted about his night with Koering on Sunday evening, writing, "lol so funny!! in 45 mins im going 2 dinner with the senator :)." The senator, Koering, picked Wilde up and took him to Iven's on the Bay restaurant in Brainerd, where they dined on strip steak and beef medallions. In an exclusive interview with The Sword this morning, Koering was unapologetic: "I don't see anything wrong with going out with him. Do I think that being a porn star is the best thing? No. But that's his choice. I think he's a nice guy."

The Sword spoke to Wilde, too, who revealed that his date with Koering was casual, yet awkward: "I think he wanted to get in my pants, truthfully. And he was pretty flirty. But it was just dinner. We both were checking out the waiter though. It was fun."

Koering says that while he doesn't approve of Wilde's career choice, he would like a second date. Which is funny, because we don't approve of Koering's career choice — porn is less devious than politics any day.

And for the record, Koering only paid for dinner. Not Wilde's time. Even though until very recently, Wilde maintained a profile on He must know Jo-Vanni Roman, then? From the meetings?

by Queerty

Duke's Ousted College Republicans Chief Still Being Targeted With Fun Campus Graffiti

"Lying Fag Robinette, DCR = Righteous, get AIDS in hell," read the graffiti left on a Duke University bridge, spray-painted a couple weeks ago, aimed at junior Justin Robinette, who was supposedly ousted as chairman of the College Republicans when his gayness become known. And that's not all Robinette says he's been targeted with since his unceremonious removal as head of the merry band of conservatives.

There's also the "e-mail he received from a Duke College Republican that he interpreted as blackmail, and an incident in which a former member’s dorm room name tag was overwritten with the word 'faggot.'" Duke University Police say they're investigating. And if authorities can find Sarah Palin's email hacker, surely they can find Robinette's email harasser.

from Queerty

Sex Scandal in the Mormon Church

It just wouldn't be right to let the Roman Catholic Church be the only anti-gay religious organization embroiled in an underage sex scandal involving its leaders. Enter the Mormon Church, which is now dealing with the fallout from Michael Pratt's molestation trial. Well done, brothers!

Pratt stands accused of molesting a then-16-year-old girl (she is now 17) on multiple occasions all across the great state of Utah. At the time, Pratt was a LDS seminary principal; the victim was a student.

She spent three hours testifying against Pratt yesterday, detailing how Pratt would have her hide in the back seat of his car to sneak her off school grounds for their liaisons. He even wrong her a love song on his guitar. Adorable!

It's just too bad the victim wasn't a boy — then LDS could blame its little sexual assault problem on those pedophilia-loving homos.

Now, we're not saying all Mormons act like this — far from it. But this holier-than-thou bullshit –where LDS leaders claim they lead pious lives while the gays are undeserving of equality — is all the more ridiculous when Mormons show their gross human imperfections. We're sure god still loves Pratt; he just loves the gays more.

But it does beg the question for church elder Bruce Hafen: If gay isn't in your DNA, certainly preying on minors isn't too, right

Cliff Notes' Version of Mormonism

The Mormon religion was founded by Joseph Smith around 1830 in the United States of America. It is a fast growing religious movement which claims more than 12 million adherents worldwide as of 2006 (1). Mormonism teaches that historical Christianity is totally apostate, and God raised up Joseph Smith as a prophet to restore it. In addition to using the Bible (which they believe is totally inadequate by itself to tell us what we need to know), mormons believe that the "revelations" "discovered" by Joseph Smith which came to be written down as the "Book of Mormon" are Scripture. They also base their religious system on two other books: "Doctrines and Covenants" and "The Pearl of Great Price" as well as the pronouncements of their "living prophets", which they teach are Scripture and binding on all true believers.

Mormonism spreads primarily through its worldwide missionary efforts - good young unmarried mormon men are required to do two years missionary service. There are other recommendation for women and for those who have finished with child rearing responsibilities. Mormonism appeals to many on the basis of its appeal to strong family values. But when you look deeper into this mysterious and fascinating religion, you will find all kinds of bizarre practices and beliefs.

Mormonism now teaches that God was once a man, and that man may become a God (through mormonism, of course). This contradicts the book of mormon itself, but mormons don't really follow what the book of Mormon says anyway. Mormons are taught that God the Father is now on a planet near the star Kolob with his wives having spiritual children. They believe that Jesus and Lucifer (Satan) were once spirit brothers. They once taught that Jesus was married to more than one wife (I'm not sure if this doctrine is still taught). Some of the other fascinating religious beliefs of this group are listed below later in this page.

Many mormons at some time in their lives get involved in mysterious secret rites which are practiced at their special mormon temples. These rites include baptism for the dead. Mormons believe that by being baptised "in proxy" for their departed relatives and for others, they can release their souls so as to be able to enter a higher paradise. Mormons also believe in the importance of wearing a special kind of magic underwear, which is supposed to protect them somehow. This underwear is supposed to be worn at all times except when washing. The underwear has on it certain images from the occultic religion of freemasonry. Mormon temples are reputedly full of masonic imagery - apparently Joseph Smith was a freemason also at one stage. The temple rituals are supposed to be totally secret. However some former temple workers who left the mormon church have revealed the rituals as they were and probably are still practiced. You will not be any closer to God if you know the substance of these rituals, I can assure you.

The Mormon publication, "The Doctrine of Salvation, V.1." on page 188 states that "Mormonism so-called stands or falls on the history of Joseph Smith. For either he was a prophet, with divine calling, name and empowerment, or he was one of the greatest charlatans the world has ever known".

If Joseph Smith was a true prophet from God, then his prophecies should have come to pass. However, there are plenty of cases where they did not. For example, Joseph Smith claimed that before 1891, and before he reached the age of 85, Jesus Christ would return. Well, Joseph Smith did not reach the age of 85 - he was murdered on the 27th of July 1844. And we know that Jesus Christ didn't return before 1891, bringing an end to the present world order.

Smith prophesied in 1832 concerning the American civil war that the British would get involved and the war would extend to all nations. This is just one of his false prophecies concerning the American civil war. Smith also predicted the demise of the government of the state of Missouri which had displeased him - this never happened. He prophesied that the civil war would not result in the freedom of 'Ham' - this could not happen until the millenium according to Smith. Here again Smith was demonstrating just what a false prophet he was.

Mormonism can look good to sincere people who are untaught in the Scriptures. They have a well-oiled religious organisation and an incredible amount of money to back it. They don't teach people all their strange beliefs until later on - especially after they are baptised. If Mormon beliefs were widely known by all, that cult would have a hard time gaining any new converts. But they will continue to gain converts no doubt, as long as widespread ignorance concerning the Bible exists around the world, and people remain open to the deceptive religious spirits in this world which deceive people by a thousand and one methods of false religion.

Mormon Beliefs

Prospective mormons are encouraged to pray to God to ask if the book of Mormon be true. They are told that the answer will come to them by means of a burning sensation in their bosom. Sadly, many people don't bother to check out the Book of Mormon according to more objective tests - like internal consistency, archaelogical support and so on. The fact that many mormons testify to this experience of "burning in the bosom" doesn't make the book of mormon true. It only means that there are spiritual beings out there which are willing to create that kind of sensation in people in order to promote the religion of mormonism. A well-informed Christian would know these beings to be demons. Lots of religions have spiritual experiences. Indeed, some of these experiences might be explainable in mere psychological terms, but a great many of them, in fact, are explainable only in terms of the spirit world. The Bible teaches that this world is full of evil, deceptive spirits who operate under Satan's command and seek to draw men into sin and destruction. To my mind, only such a scenario could adequately explain how so many otherwise intelligent people have been sucked into the religion of mormonism.

What follows are some of the strange doctrines of mormonism.

God was once a man - Brigham Young said, "If our Father and God should be disposed to wak through these aisles, we should not know Him from one of the congregation. You would see a man and that is all you would know about Him." (Journal of Discourse, Vol II, pg 40). Mormons belief that through faithfulness to the mormon doctrine they too may one day become gods with a planet of their own.

God the Father has many wives - God the Father, according to the "Pearl of Great Price" in "Abraham 3:9,16", is said to be living on a planet near the star Koleb with his wives having spiritual children.

Jesus was the spirit brother of Lucifer - according to this doctrine Jesus became the Savior because he came up with a better plan than Lucifer concerning how to get the people on earth to worship God (see The Kingdom of God, by Oscar McConkie Jr pg 46; Pearl of Great Price, Book of Moses, 4:1-3).

Black-skinned people are of inferior origin - mormonism teaches that the spirit beings that did not fight valiantly for God come to earth as blacks, while those who fought valiantly come to earth as whites. Until very recently blacks could not become priests in the mormon system of worship for reasons related to this and other demeaning doctrines.

We are saved by grace, after we have done all we can - who is there that has done 'all they can' in following any given religious system? No one. This is a kind of double-speak. Mormonism is a system of religious works and merit from start to finish. It is all about earning merit and a state of worthiness by obedience to the mormon religious system.

There are many other strange mormon doctrines and beliefs which I may get into later. I hope it is clear for those who may be considering the mormon religion seriously that there are many strange and highly doubtful teachings and practices which have perhaps even less credibility than the prophecies of their originator - Joseph Smith.

Problems with the Book of Mormon - an extensive article written by a former believer in the Book of Mormon, who "studied his way out".

Out of Mormon Deception - a powerful testimony.

Racism and Mormonism

The embarrassing truth
about Mormonism

"You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind.

The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the longest of any one of the children of Adam. Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings.

This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin. Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then another curse is pronounced upon the same race--that they should be the "servant of servants;" and they will be, until that curse is removed."

Brigham Young-President and second 'Prophet' of the Mormon Church, 1844-1877- Extract from Journal of Discourses.

My telephone call two weeks ago to the local arm of the church was quite specific in its request. Backed up by an e-mail to the organisation, I wanted to know the date of arrival in Jamaica, the membership and details of any outreach programme in force. Most importantly, I wanted to know why an organisation grounded in white supremacy would want Jamaica as one of its permanent postings considering that 95 per cent of Jamaicans are black-skinned.

Well, the alarm bells went off immediately. District president Kevin Brown, (a young black Jamaican) adopted a defensive stance on the telephone. After informing me that the president of the Jamaica branch, Leroy Turner (a white American), was off the island, he followed up with, "You people are always writing about us, saying we are racist and practise polygamy. Ian Boyne and you have written all sorts of things about us which are untrue." I stopped him.

The Mormon's major church in Jamaica.

"Mr Brown, I have never written anything about the Mormons," I said. He apologised. The next day I met with president Turner and district president Mr Brown at the church's headquarters. Our meeting lasted only 30 minutes. My main focus in the short interview was the church's stance on racism.

At the end of it, I left with a copy of the Book of Mormon and nothing to convince me that the anti-racist positions of Turner and Brown, men who I believe are fairly decent human beings, if not the sharpest tools in the box, could counter the very racist words written in the very book they had presented to me.

Here are just two examples from their 'bible', the Book of Mormon.

Example 1: 2 Nephi 5: 21- 'And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people, the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.'

Example 2: Alma 3: 6- 'And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men.'

According to the Mormons, Lamanites are the native American Indians who they erroneously claim, are descendants of Hebrews (who 'strayed' and became 'cursed' with dark skin) even though it has been established by DNA evidence that the native American Indian is related to tribes in Asia which crossed a land-bridge tens of thousands of years ago.

What amazed me, but probably shouldn't, was the energy which District President Mr Kevin Brown brought to bear on defending the church against the attacks of those like me who claim it is racist. He, a black Jamaican, was even more strident in defense than the country president, a white American. Was it self-denial or just plain embarrassment?

Unencumbered by religion since age 15, I believe that I am more suited to discuss the Mormon church than others not so free, like Ian Boyne. I state this because the constant problems facing those religionists who quite rightly attack Mormon doctrine and its cultic relationship with its adherents is their need to compare it with some other cult, like the Jehovah's Witnesses or the other mainstream Christian sects.

Inherent in this criticism is the definition of 'the true church,' a futile search always on the main agenda of items facing religionists. Like Thomas Paine, I believe in no church, no religion and instead see in the unfolding of the universe/nature, the manifestation of a god, or God - still unknown, unnamed and undefined.

Presently claiming 4,500 members in 22 congregations in Jamaica, the Mormons, who prefer to be referred to as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is easily the least successful church in Jamaica. They believe they are the true church and their leaders are the elect of God. All others are apostates.

The church arrived in Jamaica in 1968 at a time when the civil rights movement, Black Power and the Black Panther Party were the pressure groups leading the charge against 'apartheid' America.

It seems to be that it is no accident that the Mormons came to Jamaica in 1968. At that time, a very dunce, racially backward and politically infantile JLP government, four years before it was rejected by the people, was in the process of nullifying the teachings of, and expelling, black Guyanese UWI lecturer Dr Walter Rodney (a PhD at age 24!), declaring that he was 'a most dangerous' man, presumably for expounding too much on blackness, Garveyism and the stark class/colour arrangements in Jamaica at that time. The irony is, we were doing that even as we were heaping condemnation on racist South Africa and Ian Smith's Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).

Into this conundrum entered the Mormons, who at that time made no pretence at their white supremacist doctrine. Fourteen years before-on August 27, 1954 in an address at Brigham Young University (BYU), Mormon Elder, Mark E Peterson, in speaking to a convention of teachers of religion at the college level, said:

"The discussion on civil rights, especially over the last 20 years, has drawn some very sharp lines. It has blinded the thinking of some of our own people, I believe. They have allowed their political affiliations to color their thinking to some extent.I think I have read enough to give you an idea of what the Negro is after."

"He is not just seeking the opportunity of sitting down in a cafe where white people eat. He isn't just trying to ride on the same streetcar or the same Pullman car with white people. It isn't that he just desires to go to the same theater as the white people. From this, and other interviews I have read, it appears that the Negro seeks absorption with the white race. He will not be satisfied until he achieves it by intermarriage."

"That is his objective and we must face it. We must not allow our feelings to carry us away, nor must we feel so sorry for Negroes that we will open our arms and embrace them with everything we have. Remember the little statement that we used to say about sin, 'First we pity, then endure, then embrace'...."

Rosa Parks would have probably told Petersen under which wheel of the bus he should go sit.

Then in 1967, Mormon Apostle (and later church President) Ezra Taft Benson, blinded by his acutely myopic view of African Americans and caught up in the communist hysteria of the times, saw the civil rights movement as nothing more than weak, useless blacks being used for a sinister purpose.

He said, "The Communist program for revolution in America has been in progress for many years and is far advanced. First of all, we must not place the blame upon Negroes. They are merely the unfortunate group that has been selected by professional Communist agitators to be used as the primary source of cannon fodder."

We can therefore see that when the Mormons came here to 'set up shop' in 1968, black skinned people could join the church but the 'priesthood' was denied to them because they were 'cursed.'

Their president saw American black people as childlike and mindless and therefore easily manipulated and, last but by no means least, the Jamaican government was proving to us either that, one, religious tolerance was very high on its agenda, or, two, it the JLP was so stupid to allow in a bunch of racists who were 'waving around the banner of God' and calling itself a church.

Now, I have no problems with white supremacist groups just as long as they remain in the jurisdictions which find their doctrinal crud to be palatable and socially acceptable. When groups like the Mormons set foot in Jamaica, not only do I find their presence to be an insult to me and all people of 'cursed' colour but I resent them finding offence and lying to me when I point out the obvious bigoted creeds inherent in their teachings and texts.

At one stage of the interview, the American Leroy Turner became visibly upset by my questions. As the blood rushed to his face and reddened his skin, he leaned forward in his swivel chair and said, 'I don't like the, the direction. which this is going. I am not going along with this. I am going to terminate the interview.'

Flustered, he eased back in his chair, removed his fixed stare at me, then silently sucked in a gulp of air as the interview continued.

We are told that on June 8, 1978, it was 'revealed' to the then president, Spencer Kimball, that people of colour could now gain entry into the priesthood. According to the church, Kimball spent many long hours petitioning God, begging him to give worthy black people the priesthood. God finally relented.

Even in this 'revelation', God is not given the glory- instead it is the wisdom and the prayers of Kimball which tipped the balance. But what was the true story behind this?

In 1978 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was under increasing pressure by the US government to end its racist doctrine and teachings or lose its tax-free status. Additionally, the church leadership saw the expansion in countries such as Brazil to be one big embarrassment to them.

Add to that the fact that not only black athletic teams were refusing to compete with teams from the racist Brigham Young University and the die was cast. Assuming that poor and ignorant black people in large populations like Brazil were joining the church, what would it do when some of the smarter ones decided to ask the unspeakable?

An extract from a 1978 interview sheds more light on the 'revelation,' which was nothing more than a socio-political sleight-of-hand brought on by the realities of the times, including especially the church's need to justify black populations tithing (10% of income) to the church as requirement for membership in good standing.

The interview was conducted on August 16, 1978 at the Church Office Building. The interviewer was one Wesley Walters and the person interviewed was Mormon 'Apostle' LeGrand Richards.

'WALTERS: On this revelation, of the priesthood to the Negro, I've heard all kinds of stories: I've heard that Joseph Smith appeared; and then I heard another story that Spencer Kimball had had a concern about this for some time, and simply shared it with the apostles, and they decided that this was the right time to move in that direction. Are any of those stories true, or are they all?

RICHARDS: Well, the last one is pretty true, and I might tell you what provoked it in a way. Down in Brazil, there is so much Negro blood in the population there that it's hard to get leaders that don't have Negro blood in them. We just built a temple down there. It's going to be dedicated in October.

All those people with Negro blood in them have been raising the money to build that temple. If we don't change, then they can't even use it. Well, Brother Kimball worried about it, and he prayed a lot about it. '

So much for that 'revelation.'

The origins of the church is not so much my concern as is its presence in my country, and so much racist baggage in its 'Bible.' In hindsight, if all the church can muster is a membership of 4,500 in 37 years (121.6 persons on average per year) then maybe this article is overkill.

The fact is, although the last time I checked, people in Jamaica were free to join any church they fancied, the reality is, the Mormon Church is a billion dollar business in Utah where Salt Lake City is literally owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) through the resourcefulness and business enterprise of its leadership. The Mormons in Jamaica are here to stay, so they tell me.

The missionary nature of the Americans has long been established through the export of its 'democracy' to the LDC's, its easily portable war machinery (where next boys!), the export of its Harvard, led MBA business theology (no new start-ups, only takeovers) and its bible-thumping televangelists.

Many scholars, especially ex Mormons, have shown that the 'revelations' of Joseph Smith, the cult's founder were concoctions. Smith was a man who dabbled in 'seer stones,' tall tales, many women, gunfights and money digging. Scholars have also totally debunked the Book of Abraham by showing that Smith's 'translation' of hieroglyphics from ancient papyri was a grand hoax. That aside, if that was his hustle, all power to him but please, keep it among his homegrown ignorant.

Like its followers worldwide, Jamaican Mormons are taught that dissent within and that coming from outside the church is the work of Lucifer. Like most cults, scholarly enquiry is discouraged and blind acceptance is the norm among the local population.

And as with organisations of this kind, the ill wind which blows some good takes in supplies through Food for the Poor, medical supplies for the Ministry of Health and, I am told that an effort is now on to assist in the social and structural reorganisation of refuges in Katrina's wake.

Sometime before the 'revelation' came to chief 'Prophet' Spencer Kimball in June 1978, General Authority, Bruce R McConkie had said:

"The Blacks are denied the Priesthood; under no circumstances can they hold this delegation of authority from the Almighty.

The Negroes are not equal with other races where the receipt of certain blessings are concerned, particularly the priesthood and the temple blessings that flow there from, but this inequality is not of man's origin, it is the Lord's doings." (Mormon Doctrine, pp. 526-527).

On June 13, 1978 The Salt Lake Tribune reported the following: "President Kimball refused to discuss the revelation that changed the Church's 148 year-old policy against ordination of Blacks, saying it was a personal thing. Kimball said the revelation came at this time because conditions and people have changed. It's a different world than it was 20 or 25 years ago. The world is ready for it, he said."

Black self denigration seems to me to be a science. A lot of its genesis is rooted in religion and, as we all know, some of the scriptures in the Bible were used to justify the world's biggest crime, the Atlantic Slave Trade. While the 1978 'revelation' has opened up the priesthood to blacks who are 'worthy', it hasn't changed the fundamental doctrine of the Mormon church that a black skin is a curse.

My sympathies go out to Jamaicans who are a part of this church. Religious freedom allows them this right, but self denigration in the extreme and an excess of ignorance (and probably economic need) seem to be the only logical explanations for black-skinned persons' membership in such an organisation.

When Mormon 'Apostle' Mark E Petersen spoke on 'Race Problems- As they affect the Church at the BYU campus' in 1954, the following was also said: '.if the negro accepts the gospel with real, sincere faith, and is really converted, to give him the blessings of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. he can and will enter the celestial kingdom. He will go there as a servant, but he will get celestial glory.'

When Mormon 'Prophet' and second President of the Church, Brigham Young, spoke in 1863 (Journal of Discourses, Vo. 10, p. 110), the following was also said:

"Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God is death on the spot. This will always be so."

When the church received the priesthood 'revelation' in 1978, were the past statements of these important 'apostles' and 'prophets' made redundant? Was there ever a wholesale condemnation by the church of these virulently racist attacks on black people? No, there was not, and the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the doctrine of the curse of a black skin is still very much a part of the church's position in the 21st century.

It seems to me that not only was the church forged in infamy, but in a world far removed from the racism of 19th century America, the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has made only patronizing concessions on the issue of skin colour.

Too much of the origins of the church and the doctrines in the Book of Mormon are steeped in 'the curse.' It cannot be reversed as that would make Joseph Smith's 1830 'revelations' a bigger curse to the present church leaders. And that would negate everything else that the church stands for.

Some of those in the leadership of the Jamaica district of the Mormons had the gall to suggest to me that I write my column, but give them a chance to read it before publication. Well, now that they have read my piece, they are free to have their responses published.

written by Mark Wignall
The Jamaica Observer
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"The Final Solution" For The Sick and Uninsured in the United States

I believe that many, if not most, republicans like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, John McCain, and Rush Limbaugh would rather see sick people die than see the government set aside any kind of money to fund a universal health care program which would include, but not be limited to, providing health care insurance for all Americans.

'The Final Solution' for the uninsured is simply to let sick people die that way we don't have to waste our money on medical treatment for them! And what was Sarah Palin's concern......oh yeah death panels. Strange how she attempted to pin that one on the Democrats and President Obama. And did you know, most of the republicans who are against helping the sick----they are Christians-In-Good-Standing in their own communities! And I always thought Christians were good Samaritans wanting to help others. Times have certainly changed. Guess Christians, Roman Catholics, and Mormons nowadays just want to watch their money grow.

The Banned Mormon Cartoon

Here is a cartooned version of the Mormon faith. You can 'read all about it' in the "Book of Mormon." Apparently YouTube removes it. Hmm...banning a cartoon. Perhaps the Mormon-Powers-That-Be don't want you to learn about their faith. Gosh, that's just silly, huh? I mean they love knocking on your door and spreading the 'Good News'. Maybe we could find a good Mormon who could critique (in an academic way) this cartoon and tell us why it is frequently banned.

Glenn Beck is a Mormon. But is he a Christian?

What is a Mormon?

" The Mormons," a Frontline/American Experience coproduction that explores both the history and the present reality of the Mormon faith, taking the viewer inside a compelling and often misunderstood religion.

The Church of Latter-Day Saints (a.k.a. Mormons) Found Guilty on 13 Counts of Political Malfeasance In Prop. 8 Campaign

California’s Fair Political Practices Commision (FPPC) made history on Thursday, finding The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints guilty on 13 counts of political malfeasance related to the Prop. 8 campaign in 2008. It became the first religious organization to be found guilty of the charge in California.

According to the FPPC’s findings, the church “failed to timely report” a total of $38,928 in support of the bill that passed November 4, 2008, prohibiting gay marriage in California. The penalty handed down was a fine of 15% of the unreported contributions, coming to $5,539.

“[The fine] seems a little light since [the FPPC] only looked at $36,000 of their contributions, but it’s also historic because no church has ever been fined for illegal political activity in California before,” said Fred Karger, the founder of Californians Against Hate (CAH), which filed the complaint against the church. “In fact, it’s unprecedented.”

The LDS church released a statement on its website claiming that they had “mistakenly overlooked the daily reporting requirements,” and that “Claims that the Church misrepresented its contributions to the Protect Marriage Coalition are false.”

The Mormon Church has been altering their version of the story ever since Prop. 8 passed. Initially, they only admitted to spending $2,078 in support of the bill and a representative of the church, Don Eaton, stated in a radio interview on KGO-TV(ABC-San Francisco), “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints put zero money in this.” Then, three months after the election, the church filed a return admitting to $190,000 spent on the campaign.

“When we accused them of contributing more money [than was reported], they stated publicly that our claims were false, but that turned out to be a lie – one of many,” said Karger. “It’s unbelievable, their arrogance, blatantly violating California election laws and lying repeatedly about their involvement in Prop. 8.”

The CAH has also filed a complaint against an the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), which is affiliated with the Mormon church. NOM was a heavy supporter of Maine’s Question 1 campaign which denied gay marriage rights within the state. The organization is also under investigation by the state for possible money laundering and failure to file campaign reports.

Thursday’s findings are hardly the end of this battle with the Mormon church though, according to Karger.

“They got off easy,” said Karger, “but this is only one state. They were involved in all 30 state [marriage] battles. This is just the beginning.”

written by Dan Kelley